
[V] expressions are operations composed of blockchain variables, contract variables, pure/view functions, specification variables, macros, argument aliases and [V] utility variables/functions. More information is provided below about the supported operators, variables and functions.

Blockchain Variables

To allow the specification of properties across different blockchains and languages, [V] provides language-agnostic access to information commonly provided by blockchains. Specifically, the following information is provided:

Utility Description
null Evaluates to the null account
sender Specifies the account that invoked the transaction
value Specifies the amount of native tokens attached by the sender to the transaction’s message
timestamp Provides the current timestamp
selector The selector for this transaction

Utility Variables and Functions

The [V] utility variables and functions are defined below:

this Evaluates to the recipient contract of the statement’s transaction
ret The return value of the given transaction
balance(account) Returns account’s balance in native tokens
id(contract) Returns the account identifier for the contract
old(expr) Evaluates expr just before the transaction executes
fsum(target, cond, expr) Accumulates the sum of expr across all transactions to target that successfully execute where cond holds. Note that this creates a nested scope where the blockchain variables, utility variables and utility functions refer to the specified target transaction
last(target, cond, expr) Returns the evaluation of expr from the last transaction to target that successfully executed where cond held. Note that this creates a nested scope where the blockchain variables, utility variables and utility functions refer to the specified target transaction
sum(collection) Accumulates the sum of all the values contained in collection
type(val) Casts val to type

Arithmetic Operators

[V] allows the use of typical arithmetic operators to perform mathematical operations. Specifically it supports the operators below:

Operator Use Description
Addition a + b Adds the values of a and b
Subtraction a - b Subtracts the value of b from a
Multiplication a * b Multiplies the values of a and b
Division a / b Divides a by b
Modulus a % b Provides the remainder of a’s division by b
Unary Minus -a Changes the sign of a

Relational Operators

[V] provides various relational operators to perform comparisons between values. In addition to common relational operators, [V] provides a few specialty operators for common use cases. It should be noted that since [V] is a declarative language and does not allow assignment (usually), that equality comparison is = rather than assignment.

Operator Use Description
Equal a = b Checks if the value of a is equal to the value of b
Not Equal a != b Checks if the value of a is not equal to the value of b
Greater Than a > b Checks if the value of a is greater than the value of b
Greater or Equal a >= b Checks if the value of a is greater than or equal to the value of b
Less Than a < b Checks if the value of a is less than the value of b
Less or Equal a <= b Checks if the value of a is less than or equal to the value of b
Equal Except a = b except c Checks if two collections, structures or contracts a and b are equal except at the locations specified by c (separated by commas)

Logical Operators

[V] supports the following logical operators:

Operator Use Description
Logical AND a && b Checks if both a and b hold
Logical OR a || b Checks if either a, b or both hold
Logical NOT !a Checks if a does not hold
Implication a ==> b Checks that b holds if a holds

Access Operators

[V] provides operators for accessing collections and members of contracts and structs. With respect to contracts, both contract variables and pure or view functions are accessible regardless of visibility. To make an access into a contract, though, [V] must know which contract is being accessed. The following operators are provided to access collections, member variables and member functions:

Operator Use Description
Index c[i] Accesses collection c at index i
Member Variable c.v Accesses the member variable v contained in c
Member Function c.fn(args) Calls function fn with the arguments args provided by c