Behavioral Specifications

Behavioral specifications allow to specify properties over a specific sequence of transactions. These are useful for determining the correctness of a specific sequence of behaviors.


The variables section is an optional section that declares specification variables. They can be declared using the following syntax:

vars: type1 name1, type2 name2, ...

For more details, please see the page about specification variables.


The initialization section is an optional section that specifies how to initialize the state of the blockchain for the given specification. Whereas the specification section is checked to determine if it holds, the initialization section is required to hold. The initialization is declared as follows, where sprop is a sequential property:

init: sprop


The specification section is a required section that defines the property to check. It can be declared as follows, where sprop is a sequential property:

spec: sprop


Some user can deposit X funds and then withdraw Y funds as long as Y <= X

vars: address u, uint X
spec: finished(wallet.deposit, sender = u && value = X |=> true) ;
      finished(wallet.withdraw(amt), sender = u |=> amt <= X)